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I feel like an imposter. Not always, but sometimes. And definitely not at the most ideal times.

I’m a Comms Director with a background in nursing. In communications, I lack the formal education, previous work experience, and overall pedigree. From nursing, I know how to critically think, creatively problem solve, triage, advocate, and stick an IV in the hardest of patients. (I’ll let you guess which ones Grace allows me to keep doing.)

I’ve moved from marketplace to ministry because God saw potential before I did. And thankfully, some people at Grace did too. 

In the book of Exodus, God called Moses as is: a fleeing murderer with a speech impediment. In chapters three and four, Moses asks God multiple times, “Are you sure you want me?” I really appreciate that Moses asked God more than once. (Like, thanks for being relatable, Moses. I think I’ve asked God a million times in the face of self-doubt.) Moses was an unlikely hero – a reluctant leader. What potential did God see?

Instead of focusing on his level of expertise, apparent criminal record, and whether Moses’ “s” sounded like “th” – God meets Moses in these moments. He comes patiently and intimately, revealing His name: I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you (Exodus 3:14). God shows He is not a distant or nameless deity. He’s a good Father – strong, mighty, powerful, and eternal. He says to Moses, I will be with you (Exodus 3:12). Always.

We say at Grace, when we show up, God shows up. When God calls, we come because God’s presence is our potential. It’s in those holy moments and holy conversations that God meets us and uses us to do great things for His glory. 

Take your next step toward Christ and community right here.

Read more from T Munroe: 


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