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Week 1: Fighting Worry About the Wicked 

  1. Read Psalm 37:1-5.
  2. David advises us not to fret about the wicked but to trust in the Lord and do good. How do you personally struggle with worry or envy when you see wrongdoing or apparent success among those who don’t follow God’s ways? What can you do to shift your focus from worry to trust in such situations?
  3. Our actions and attitudes can impact our desires and our world. How can we practically “do good” in our daily lives and “dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” as described in Psalm 37:3? Share an example of how you’ve seen your actions influence your perspective or circumstances.
  4. Proverbs 16:9 tells us that while we make plans, God determines our steps. Reflect on your own journey with God. Can you think of a time when God led you in unexpected ways or through challenging circumstances? How did your perspective on God’s plan change as a result, and how can you apply this lesson to your future “next steps” in your walk with Him?


Week 2: Fighting Worry About Waiting

  1. Read Psalm 37:6-10.
  2. David encourages us to “be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” How do you typically respond when you’re faced with a situation where wickedness seems to be succeeding, and you’re tempted to react with anger or impatience? Can you share an example of a time when waiting patiently for the Lord brought a positive outcome in your life or perspective?
  3. Fear can lead to anger, and impatience can lead to evil. How can we practically apply the principles of being still, waiting patiently, and refraining from anger in our daily lives, especially when confronted with difficult circumstances or wickedness? What are some strategies or practices that can help us cultivate patience and trust in God’s timing?
  4. The passage promises that the wicked will eventually be no more, and those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. Reflect on the idea that regardless of our present circumstances, good is ahead. How can this perspective on hope and patience influence the way you navigate challenging situations or interact with people who may appear as enemies or opponents in your life?
  5. Choose one phone wallpaper to download on your phone and set as your homescreen this week. Everytime you see it this week, thank God for His promise to you. 


Week 3: Fighting Worry About Hard Things

  1. Read Psalm 37:11-15.
  2. We’re told that “the meek will inherit the land.” Meekness is often misunderstood as weakness. How do you personally define meekness, and how does it differ from weakness? Can you share an example from your life when you demonstrated meekness in the face of adversity or difficult circumstances? How has your perspective on meekness changed in light of the passage? 
  3. Vulnerability can be a sign of strength, while external displays of power can be a sign of weakness. How do you perceive vulnerability in your own life and in the lives of others? Are there situations where you’ve seen vulnerability lead to positive outcomes or unity, even in the face of disagreement? How can you take a practical step toward vulnerability?
  4. The passage speaks about God laughing at the wicked because He sees the long view. How can adopting an eternal perspective influence the way we respond to challenges and interact with those who may oppose us or act wickedly? How can these perspectives empower you to be patient with people who think and believe differently? 
  5. Close in prayer with Pastor Mike Price’s, A Prayer for Peace Within


Week 4: Fighting Worry About the Future

  1. Read Psalm 37:16-20.
  2. David writes that comparing ourselves to the wicked is futile. How have you found yourself comparing your life or circumstances with those who may not follow God’s ways? What impact has this comparison had on your outlook and emotions?
  3. David speaks of the righteous building an enduring inheritance. In what ways are you currently investing in both your spiritual and practical legacy for your family and those around you? What steps can you take to strengthen your commitment to leaving a lasting inheritance?
  4. How confident are you in trusting God with your future, especially in a world where it may seem that the wicked prosper? What practices or mindset shifts can help you grow in this trust and assurance?
  5. Take a moment to read Julie Hotalen’s, 5 Questions To Ask Yourself When Feeling Anxious. What’s something that stood out to you? 


Week 5: Fighting Worry About Your Direction

  1. Read Psalm 37:21-25.
  2. How can we distinguish between self-confidence and the act of delighting in ourselves? What practices or mindset shifts can help us ensure we are delighting in the Lord rather than ourselves?
  3. How can we cultivate genuine trust in the Lord in our daily lives, especially when facing challenges or uncertainty? What practical steps can we take to rely more on God’s guidance?
  4. How can we encourage one another to persevere when we stumble and rely on God’s support to keep moving forward?


Week 6: Fighting Worry About Your Family

  1. Read Psalm 37:26-30.
  2. When you think about “home,” what words and thoughts come to mind? 
  3. How does your life demonstrate a life of wholeness to those around you? 
  4. How have you intentionally created margin in your life so that you can live a life of big-hearted generosity? In your home? In your workplace? At church?
  5. Take a moment to read Pastor Nathan Fowler’s article, Worried About Money? What is something that stood out to you?
  6. The concept of home speaks to a place of stability and fulfillment. How can we view our earthly homes as reflections of our eternal home with God? What practices or attitudes can help us find a sense of stability and peace in our families and in our relationship with God, especially in times of uncertainty?


Week 7: Fighting Worry About the Unexpected

  1. Read Psalm 37:31-36.
  2. What practical steps can we take to stay rooted in God’s principles so that we can wisely navigate our world effectively?
  3. Take a moment to read Kelly Adkins article, The Everyday Choice That’s Making You Anxious. What is something that stood out to you?
  4. What are some traps or challenges that might be considered as snares set by the wicked? How can we identify and avoid them, and what role does hope in the Lord play in this process?
  5. How can we discern between what seems appealing and what aligns with God’s principles, ensuring that we do not fall into these traps?


Week 8: Fighting Worry About Security 

  1. Read Psalm 37:35-40.
  2. In the face of seemingly successful wickedness, how can we find hope and security in the promise that the righteous will be delivered by the Lord? What does it mean to take refuge in God in our daily lives?
  3. The passage encourages us to consider the blameless and observe the upright. How can we practically incorporate this wisdom into our lives to combat worry and strengthen our faith? Are there specific examples of blameless and upright individuals who have inspired you on your spiritual journey?
  4. What practices can help us guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, as mentioned in Philippians 4:6-7?

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