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At Grace, we believe that Jesus is God.

Because of this, everything we do is all about Him.

Jesus paid the penalty for sin and died in our place to make us right with God. We are friends with God all because of what Jesus has done and nothing that we have done.

The gospel is not religion.

Religion says “I obey, therefore I’m accepted.” The gospel says “I’m accepted, therefore I obey.”

Religion is about what you do; the gospel is about what Jesus has done.

Religion leads to pride for keeping the rules or despair for failing to keep them, but the gospel leads to peace because Christ has kept all the rules for us.

That means that we can live in freedom, knowing that nothing we do or don’t do can separate us from His love. We obey God not out of fear and duty, but out of love and gratefulness for His love for us — if we trust in Him, we will never be put to shame.

If you want to learn more about Jesus, there are two great places to start.

Download a free bible app.

Get a free Bible for your phone or computer. Start with the books that tell the story of Jesus’ life in the Bible — MatthewMarkLuke or John— or Paul’s letter to the Romansan explanation of what Jesus’ life, death and resurrection offer to us.

If you don’t have a Bible, you can pick one up for free at our weekend services.

Find a church.

The true Church will always point to Jesus as the answer for all things. Grace preaches Jesus in our services and strives to live out of the gospel of Jesus at all times. We invite you to join us — choose a service time, and we’ll see you this weekend.

If Grace is not for you, just let us know — we’ll give you a list of other churches to try.

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