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We can choose to bring Peace, Jesus, into any situation and in doing so, get intentional with how we spend our souls, not just our time.

So many of us wait with eager anticipation for the holiday season, excited to jump into the magic of what it brings…what we feel, what we smell, what we experience and enjoy. Lights, trees, songs, traditions. And then there are those that dread this time of year. It’s a painful reminder of what or who is missing around our dinner tables, and the laughter and warm embraces we will not experience. Everything is a memory. Everything is hard. Nothing is as it should be.


Yes. If you find yourself anxious or discouraged around the holidays, you’re not alone. Our heavenly Father knows exactly where you land on this spectrum of holiday thrill or dread. Regardless of where you find yourself this year, there is one common theme that can unite every believer, both in joy and in sorrow.


In Isaiah 9:6, the prophet Isaiah prophesied that one day the world would know real Peace. He was, of course, referring to The Prince of Peace: Jesus Christ. This is important because if we let Him, Jesus can change our entire mindset when it comes to peace.

Peace isn’t just a concept.

Peace isn’t a set of circumstances.

Peace isn’t the absence of trouble or suffering.

Peace doesn’t find us when we are alone in solitude or when all the to-do’s have been checked off the list.


What if, instead of thinking that peace is only within reach when all is calm, we carry Peace into chaos?

What if we carry Peace into any set of circumstances because we have Jesus with us in every set of circumstances?

Jesus is with us in every circumstance. We can’t afford to miss this. This truth gives permission to protect what’s important, especially in the hustle of the holiday season. Jesus gives us the margin to say no, to let go of some things, in order that we may say “yes” to the soul fulfillment we are really seeking.

Because Jesus is Peace, we can be intentional with our time.

Because Jesus is Peace, we don’t have to say “yes” to every invitation and request.

Because Jesus is Peace, we can celebrate others and not fall into the trap of comparison.

Because Jesus is Peace, we can be real. Sorrow and joy can coexist.


When we choose peace, we are doing more than protecting our family time or giving ourselves room to rest. We are caring for our souls. Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Heart, mind, and soul…every ounce of our being receives benefit and protection when we choose Peace.

One of my favorite Christian authors once wrote, “When I’ve let my schedule get out of control, it’s my soul that suffers the most.” Wow. Haven’t we all been there? This year can be different. We can choose to bring Peace, Jesus, into any situation and in doing so, get intentional with how we spend our souls, not just our time. May we be gracious with one another, honor the different emotions surrounding the holiday season, and remind each other that because of Jesus, Peace is here.

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