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This edition of the Grace magazine is different. It’s a collection of three short stories, woven together to tell one big story – a story about freedom. 

How are we set free? 

This is one of the questions we’re asking during Holy Week at Grace. True freedom can only be experienced in a relationship with Jesus. To learn more about the gospel and how to take a first step toward Christ, click here

At Grace, we’re constantly taking next steps because spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. In this edition of the Grace magazine, we’ll dig deeper into the subject of finding freedom by inviting you to step into the shoes of three different individuals at pivotal moments in their lives. At the end, you’ll be prompted to consider your own story and how you can apply three simple steps to finding greater freedom as you grow in Christ. 

You see, being set free isn’t a one-time event. It’s a process. And it begins with …

STEP ONE: AWAKENING. Read the next article.

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