In 606, Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar sieged the city and took a few captives to Babylon. (This was a relatively small group which included Daniel the Prophet)
In the rubble of our lives, there’s a divine blueprint for reconstruction. Examine your priorities and realign your life with God’s purpose through the book of Haggai. Catch up or rewatch sermons here.
Historical Timeline
The nation of Judah experienced three separate waves of Babylonian deportation. 606, 587, 586.
In 606, Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar sieged the city and took a few captives to Babylon. (This was a relatively small group which included Daniel the Prophet)
In 597, King Nebuchadnezzar came to fight against Jerusalem again. The previous king of Judah had rebelled against Babylon. In this exile, Nebuchadnezzar. captured some of the influential leaders in the community into exile. (This is when Ezekiel goes into exile).
Lastly, in 586 Nebuchadnezzar sieged the city and attacked with his full army. In this final siege, many people died during the siege, many were killed in battle and the rest were carted off to Babylon. It's in 586 that the Temple was completely torn down.
In 539 BC Cyrus the Great overthrew the Babylonian empire and city and established the Persians as the new world empire. In this same year, Cyrus had an edict to return all captured people back to their homeland. This is when the first wave of Jewish return to Jerusalem took place.
For Haggai, the most important kings to know will be the Persian Kings. Here are the Persian kings relevant to the above timeline.
Haggai is the third book from the end of the Old Testament, between the two Zs — Zephaniah and Zechariah.
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