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How Can I Believe That Good Is Ahead?

Big Idea: Behind The Scenes, God Is Building Something Better.

Week 6 Main Scripture:

Haggai 2:6-9

Sermon Highlights

We Can’t See the Whole Story. But God Can.

Sometimes, God intervenes in our lives to save us from pain and suffering. Sometimes, God allows us to endure hardship because he sees the bigger picture.

What you can’t see in your life right now, God can build better for his glory and the good of his people. His purposes are greater than our knowledge because we can only see a tiny fraction of what’s really going on. He is orchestrating his will behind your circumstances.

Just because something bad happens to you doesn’t mean that God doesn’t care or love you. He may be planting something in your life that will grow into something more beautiful down the road that you can’t see.

Our responsibility is still to trust God in the middle of the challenges.

God Wants Better and More for You.

When Isaiah 55:6 calls us to “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near,” it’s indicating that there will be seasons of life when it’s easier to see the Lord – seasons of blessing.

Seasons of hardship present an opportunity to call out to God and acknowledge your dependence on him.

Good is always ahead for the Christian.

God is patient with us. Sometimes, he allows us to walk away from him for a time. In his love and patience, God chooses not to wreck our lives every time we step out of line. We may even experience a relatively hardship-free life as we walk away from him, but only for a little while. Sooner or later, we will lose fellowship with God and reap the consequences of a life apart from Him.

God’s ultimate desire is for sinful, rebellious, and broken people to change their path and return to him. He responds to repentance with mercy and freely pardons those who come to him (Isaiah 55:7).

God wants better and more for you than the sin and brokenness you are willing to settle for in life.

God’s Thoughts vs Our Thoughts

God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8).

God is infinitely patient with us even when we are hard on ourselves and others in response to sin. While we see a future of judgment and condemnation for ourselves, the Father sees a future of pardon and healing for you.

Acknowledgment of our sin is not condemnation. It’s a diagnosis. God is our healer on the other side of our diagnosis of sin. He offers you forgiveness and restoration in Christ.

Though you may think of yourself as too far gone or too messed up for God to love, God thinks more and better of you than you think of yourself.

God’s faithful love never ends, and his mercies never cease (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Why Does It Take a Tragedy for Us to Be Decent to Each Other?

That’s what Christians should be doing all the time: not waiting for the next destructive hurricane before choosing to meet the needs of others and treat them with decency. Serving others in love is how Christians stand out in a world that exists to serve itself.

God is always looking for people willing to surrender themselves and the right circumstances to bring good into the lives of others for his glory.

Big Idea: Behind the Scenes, God is Building Something Better.

Hurricanes can be considered a “natural evil” – a function of nature without moral consequence. A storm does not hit a town as a response to sin. While hurricanes cause destruction, they are also a part of God’s great plan to bring good to the world.

  1. Redistribution of Heat/Global Temperature Regulation
  2. Replenishment of Wetlands
  3. Drought Relief
  4. Nutrient Distribution
  5. Coastal and Barrier Island Formation

God can still fulfill his word, even in hardship. He can also use people who work with the wrong motives or oppose his will. Without the Roman Empire, Christianity could not have spread worldwide. Behind the scenes, God orchestrated circumstances for the spread of the Gospel.

  1. Pax Romana (The Peace of Rome)
  2. Extensive Road System
  3. Common Language (Latin)
  4. Jewish Diaspora
  5. Spiritual Hunger
  6. Prophecies Fulfilled

God upsets the established order of human kingdoms to establish the reign of Christ. Kingdoms rise and fall, but God’s kingdom’s goodness and glory will rule forever.

What is Desired in All Nations?

Whether they recognize it or not, all nations desire and deeply need the coming of Jesus Christ.

It doesn’t get easier when Christ comes into your life, but your heart will change. You will have more peace because you won’t be trying to seek satisfaction and wholeness elsewhere.

Looking to learn more about the book of Haggai? Go deeper here.

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