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Week One: When You Need Healing

Psalm 23:1

  1. As we kickoff a new series called “Fearless,” would you describe yourself as a fearful person? Why or why not? Take a moment to read or listen to Fearless: Finding Confidence Through Christ by Mike Adkins in the Grace magazine. Discuss your biggest takeaways. 
  2. Read Psalm 23:1 and reflect on the sermon this weekend. What are the attributes of a Good Shepherd that resonate the most with you and why? 
  3. If God is enough, why do we still struggle? 
  4. How does God use the struggles of your life to shape who you are becoming?
  5. Reflect on this statement: As God gets bigger, your problems seem smaller. Agree or disagree? Feel free to share examples from your life. 

Week Two: When You Need Rest

Psalm 23:2

  1. Read Psalm 23:2. What does it mean that God “makes us” lie down in green pastures? 
  2. Take a moment to read or listen to How to Find Rest by Kelly Adkins in the Grace magazine. Share what resonates most with you.
  3. Kelly shares examples of times in her life when God “made her” lie down. What are some examples from your life? 
  4. What do you think the still waters represent?
  5. Share an example of a way in which God has provided for you generously and abundantly. Close by thanking God for His faithful, loving care.

Week Three: When You Need Restoration

Psalm 23:3

  1. Read Psalm 23:3. Why do we tend to stray from God’s paths?
  2. What do you think this verse means when it talks about “His name’s sake”?
  3. Take a moment to read or listen to Finding Restoration by Mike Price in the Grace magazine. Share what resonates most with you.
  4. How do you see God working in your life today to bring about healing?
  5. Where do you still long for healing and restoration? Close by praying for one another.

Week Four: When You Need Peace

Psalm 23:4

  1. Read Psalm 23:4. Where does David’s bold confidence come from?
  2. If God loves David so much, why does he find himself in so much trouble?
  3. What do the images of the rod and staff signify for how God watches over us?
  4. Take a moment to read or listen to Remembering the Shepherd in the Valley of Darkness by JoAnna Welsh in the Grace magazine. Share what resonates most with you.
  5. Describe a dark season in your life. How did you sense God’s presence? How do you sense His presence currently when it comes to pain points?

Week Five: When You Need to Be Filled

Psalm 23:5-6

  1. Read Psalm 23:5-6. What does it mean that God prepared a table for David? 
  2. What does the oil signify? In what other instance was David anointed with oil? (See I Samuel 16). 
  3. Why was David so sure that goodness and mercy would follow him all the days of his life? 
  4. Take a moment to read or listen to Confessions of a Pessimist by Jeanne Harrison in the Grace magazine. Share what resonates most with you. 
  5. What were your biggest takeaways from this series on Psalm 23? How did God encourage and challenge you? How have you grown and taken next steps?


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