Each week during our Live Life Unstoppable teaching series on expanding our influence for the gospel, we invite you to pray toward expanding the good news of Christ. Here is a prayer for week five.
Eternal Father and hope of the nations,
You have sovereignly placed the ministry of this church in the heart of Central Florida. We pray that your Holy Spirit would go before us, softening hearts and minds to the gospel of which we are witness bearers. We pray specifically that you would use the ministry of your Church gathered at Grace to impact the lostness of Central Florida and the areas radiating out from it.
May we be a refuge for the hurting who are seeking you. May we be a lighthouse, a beacon of hope for the sinner who finds themselves in the throes of the struggle in a raging sea of doubt and despair, searching for purpose and significance. May we, the people of Grace, the sons and daughters of the most high, be aware of the task to which you have called us as individuals and as a church.
In our gatherings sit people longing for you; may we see them. In our places of business, our schools, and our neighborhoods, people long to be loved and cared for; may we respond with your grace. In our cities the darkness deceives those searching for you; may we individually and collectively shine your light into the darkest corners of hurt and sorrow, proclaiming the freedom and joy of knowing and following you.
May our prayer be as that of the Puritans:
O do thou bring in great numbers to Jesus!
let me see that glorious day,
and give me grasp for multitudes of souls;
let me be willing to die to that end;
and while I live let me labour for thee
to the utmost of my strength,
Spending time profitably in this work,
Both in health and in weakness.
It is thy cause and kingdom I long for,
Not my own.
O, answer thou my request! Amen.
This prayer was written by Oviedo Worship Pastor Kyle Carden.