Each week during our Live Life Unstoppable teaching series on expanding our influence for the gospel, we invite you to pray toward expanding the good news of Christ. Here is a prayer for week one.
God of our salvation,
We glory in the hope and assurance of our salvation. We praise you for bringing us out of darkness and into Your glorious light. It is only by the blood of Jesus, we have life, hope, and a future with You in eternity – for that we are infinitely grateful.
We come now on behalf of those who are close to us, but are far from You – for our friends, families, neighbors, and coworkers. We pray that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, would ignite a holy zeal, in each of our hearts, that burns for the lost to find Jesus. We pray that by Your Spirit we would be emboldened to pursue souls for the glory of Your beautiful name and for the the advancement of Your Kingdom.
Open the eyes and soften the hearts of the lost in our lives. Even now, as we speak these words, we pray that your Holy Spirit would begin to move and work in the hearts and minds of the lost in our different spheres of influence. Unsettle their hearts, that they would be drawn to look to no other place or person, but Jesus, as their source of ultimate and eternal joy.
We pray for both boldness and gentleness, as we proclaim the Gospel to these individuals. May we sense the urgency of their salvation, but also acknowledge our full dependency upon the Spirit to complete the work of salvation. Use our words and our witness to pierce their hearts and draw them to their gracious Redeemer. We plead that your Spirit would empower us to be useful and available tools in your Your hands, as You continue the work of redemption in our world.
We pray these things for the glory of Your matchless name and for the highest good and greatest joy of our friends, families, neighbors, and coworkers.
Prayer written by Worship Pastor Mike Price