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Feb 22

Attend an Ash Wednesday service today as you prepare your heart for the Lenten season. Get service times and locations here. To learn more about Ash Wednesday, check out this article in the Grace Magazine, then hit reset with a 5-minute meditation.

Feb 23

Build a Lenten worship playlist that you listen to often during these 40 days. Use songs you and your family love, or find our Spotify playlist here.

Feb 24

Place a cross somewhere where you will see it regularly during Lent – on your desk, by your bed – even draw one (or have your kids draw one!) and tape it to your mirror. Thank Jesus for His love whenever you see it.

Feb 25/26

Make attending church a priority this Lenten season. Download the Church Center App to find a Grace campus near you and get a weekly notification to worship online.

Feb 27

Practice 30 minutes of silence and solitude today. As items on your to-do list come to mind, jot them on a piece of paper and set them aside. As fears and anxieties surface, take them to God in prayer. Rest in His presence. He loves you.

Feb 28

Think of a person who could use some encouragement today. Write them a note, send them flowers, or surprise them with a gift card and a few words of kindness.

March 1

Fast today (at least one meal) and ask God to nourish you with His truth, hope, and presence.

March 2

Take a moment today to pray for the people who are being helped and healed through Grace’s Care and Counseling Center. Do this by yourself or together with your family at dinner time.

March 3

Think about an area in your life where you long for control. Practice deep breathing meditation. As you inhale, tell God your desires. As you exhale, surrender the situation back to Him.

March 4/5

Meet someone new this weekend at church. Every time you do, you strengthen the family of God.

March 6

Go on a Gratitude Tour of your home today. Walk through each room with a heart committed to thanksgiving. As you encounter messes, thank God for the people who made them. Thank Him for the many material blessings He’s given you and for the beautiful items that create moments of joy and connection.

March 7

Pray for an enemy. Not for them to change – for God to bless them. Ask God if He wants to use you to do so.

March 8

Reach out to one person who has impacted you. Mail a card, send an email, or shoot them a text thanking them for investing in your life.

March 9

Every time you are tempted to complain today, change it to an expression of gratitude.

March 10

Make today a tech-free day. Replace screen-time with quiet reflection, rest, and extended time with God. Thank Him for the freedom you have in Jesus.

March 11/12

Share something you learned in today’s message at Grace via email, text, or social media to point others to the hope and joy of Jesus.

March 13

Write down the initials of someone you struggle to love. Put their initials near the cross you placed in your home on Feb 24. Remember the overwhelming love of God that frees us to forgive and love others.

March 14

Go to Grace Magazine and choose one article to read. Resist the urge to skim or become distracted. Read slowly and contemplatively, listening for whatever God wants to say to you.

March 15

Practice the art of awareness today. Ask God for eyes to see things you normally don’t notice – people who may be hurting, coworkers who need encouragement, or small signs of His beauty in creation.

March 16

List your greatest concerns on a sheet of paper. Pray over each concern and picture yourself releasing it to God. When you’re finished, shred the paper.

March 17

Share your prayer requests with the leadership of Grace so we can join you in prayer. Click the “Ask for Prayer” link on our Church Center App, or visit to fill out a digital prayer card. Know that your pastors and staff will be praying for you.

March 18/19

Thank a volunteer for their commitment to serve you at church today. Consider serving others on Team Grace if you don’t already.

March 20

Choose one object that reminds you of God’s goodness. Put it in a prominent place in your home. Every time you see it this week, pause and remember the hope you have in Jesus.

March 21

Listen to the song 1000 Names from our Grace YouTube channel. Sing along by yourself or with your family and celebrate who God is!

March 22

Take your lunch outside today and thank God for the beauty of His creation. Want to get the whole family in on it? Plan an outdoor picnic dinner.

March 23

Do something kind for a co-worker or family member with whom you don’t always see eye to eye.

March 24

Store up treasures in heaven instead of stuff in your closet: fill a trash bag with clothes, toys, or items you no longer use and donate them to help someone else.

March 25/26

Store up treasures in heaven instead of stuff in your closet: fill a trash bag with clothes, toys, or items you no longer use and donate them to help someone else.

March 27

Pray for God to show you a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker you could invite to Easter services with you. Then pray for the perfect opportunity to ask them to come. Encourage your kids and teens to do the same.

March 28

Take inventory of your resources – time, talents, money, assets. ls there something you’re withholding from God? Ask Him to help you surrender it by faith in His loving character.

March 29

Walk around your block, alone or with your family. Pray for the people in each house as you pass by.

March 30

Memorize Galatians 5:1 today as you spend time with Jesus: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Consider making it a family challenge to memorize this verse by Easter.

March 31

Make a conscious choice to put yourself last today – give up your seat, go to the back of the line, park in the farthest spot. Embrace the freedom of stepping away from the center of the story.

April 1/2

As you attend Palm Sunday services at Grace this weekend, thank God for the gift of corporate worship. Take a moment to pray for someone at Grace who serves your family.

April 3

Set aside time today to pray for an extended time – at least 30 minutes. Write down your prayers if you have trouble focusing. Give your cares to God.

April 4

Invite friends to a park or to a coffee shop and practice hospitality – share a meal, share your heart, listen well.

April 5

Set an extra place at your dinner table tonight as a reminder to pray God would fill up the emptiness of those in need.

April 6

Pray about which one of these Lenten practices you’d like to make a habit in your life going forward.

April 7

Meditate on the sacrifice of Christ at our all-campus Good Friday Service. Invite someone who’s far from God to celebrate Easter at Grace. Find service times and reserve your free tickets for Easter.

April 8

HE IS RISEN! Join us for our Easter celebration this weekend! Find service times and reserve your free tickets for Easter.

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