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A pandemic: who would have thought? How does the world come to a screeching halt from one week to the next? Some people sick, some perish. Jobs are lost, businesses are in jeopardy. Livelihoods have been turned upside down. Life as we know it has been completely brought to a standstill.

As Christians, this is where we get to put our faith to the test. It’s time to truly live out God’s word. Here are some practical ways we can live out God’s Word together:

Build Others Up.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Ephesians 4:29).

Everyone is in an uproar. Information is changing every few hours. People are tense, and their speech can be negative towards one another. Political camps are talking down to the other side. Don’t fall into the trap of joining the banter — it is unhealthy and accomplishes nothing. Now is the time to bring unity to the situation. Provide the anchor, direction, and in some cases, redirection for your family and friends. Lead and love.

Be calm.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).
I love this verse. The picture is one of a loving father talking to his children. Rest in this promise. For many, this is a very scary time. I want you to know, church, that we are praying for you.

In my personal opinion as the Executive Director of finances at Grace, I suggest you do not make rash decisions like emptying out your 401k, 403b, or IRA — it’s like stealing from yourself in the future. Do not sell every stock you own. Do not invest your nest egg in something that is “sure to turn you into a multi-gazillionaire when the stock market and economy surges.” Instead, seek the advice of a seasoned Certified Financial Planner and make wise and calculated financial decisions about the future.

Count the cost.

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? (Luke 14:28)

It’s time to take financial inventory. Here are some good places to start cutting back on expenses:

  • Are you using a budget? Do you have a budget? Do you even know what a budget is? Now is the time to address this head-on.
  • Ask what practical expenses can I cut or reduce?
  • Streamline recurring subscriptions you don’t use or need
  • Trim your grocery budget to get only what you need
  • Explore new quotes on insurance, home and auto
  • Investigate new plans or providers for cell phones, internet, or cable
  • Raise the temperature of your air conditioner 1-2 degrees
  • Look at companies currently hiring for work from home opportunities, both full and part-time
  • Do you have an Emergency Fund? If you do, great! This may be the time to start using it.
  • If you are not financially affected at this time, start increasing your Emergency Fund.

If you need help with creating or modifying your budget, seek help. There are knowledgeable people at Grace ready to coach you. Financial expert Dave Ramsey has lots of great free content online. If you need something more elaborate, seek out a Financial Peace class held virtually. Get the help you need; facing problems and making adjustments early, instead of denying them, always yields a better outcome and most of all, offers hope.

Serve others.

Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves (Romans 15:1).

Pastor Mike has a credo in the Adkins household he shares often: the strong take care of the weak. This has definitely made its way into the culture of Grace Church as well, and I see it time and time again. Your neighbors need help. Seek out needs and fill them.

If you cannot fill them alone, look for people to come alongside you. Many are able and willing, the word simply needs to get out. When we serve others, our own problems become just a little bit smaller.

Be the church.

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce (Proverbs 3:9).

The church is the light of the world, and never is that more true than in a time like the one we face. In this time of uncertainty, the church still lives out its mission. Grace Church exists to help people take their next step toward Christ. You participate in that mission by being faithful in your finances by giving. In doing so, you proclaim that in wavering times, your full trust is in God and nothing else because He is unwavering. The church is even now helping many people and places through our own giving. We have staff who are still delivering teaching and worship services to you in creative ways because God’s Word will never be slowed down, even if the world currently is.

Hold one another up.

So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another (Romans 12:5).

Many of you might have urgent needs. Let your needs be known to the Lord and reach out to your church. If you call Grace Church home, we are here. Do not feel hesitant, but accept help, recognizing that it is God’s provision. Some of you are prospering during this time and praise God for that! Most are somewhere in the middle. We all have a unique place during this time. Let’s hold each other up.

We serve a big God who is in complete control of everything. What’s happening in the world is not a backup plan, but instead, God’s perfect plan. Rest in that fact. Each day I rise looking forward to what God is doing next, and each evening I rest in anticipation of what He will do the following day. I’m praying you have that same peace, joy, and awe in our Lord.

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