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Week One: I Timothy 4:1-5

  1. What are some of the regular practices of your life? Which of these habits or rhythms would you define as your “best” practices and why?
  2. In your opinion, what makes a practice a “best” practice? How do you discern between good practices and best practices? How do you recognize harmful practices?
  3. Read I Timothy 4:1-5. This passage talks about how some people abandon sound teaching and embrace lies. These lies have consequences that end in strict behavioral standards that are harsh and not what God requires for a believer. What are some examples of strict standards or practices, which God hasn’t required of us, that we sometimes heap upon ourselves anyway?
  4. Reread verse 4. What do you think this verse means in your own words? In what sense is gratitude an antidote to legalism?
  5. Would you describe yourself as a grateful person? Why or why not? How can we grow in gratitude?

Week Two: I Timothy 4:6-10

  1. Describe a time in your life when you underwent “training,” whether physically, vocationally, or in some other way.
  2. What are some of the challenges and benefits of training? Do you enjoy seasons of training? Why or why not?
  3. Read I Timothy 4:6-10. In a practical sense, what does it look like to “train ourselves to be godly”?
  4. What’s the difference between “trying” to do something and “training” to do something? Would anyone like to share about a time when you tried really hard to do something versus trained to do something?
  5. When we “try” to be godly, we’re putting our hope in ourselves. But verse 10 urges us to “put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people.” What is one specific area in your life where you need God to show up and transform you? Close in prayer, surrendering this area(s) to God and asking Him to transform you, one small step at a time. Acknowledge that transformation is a process and thank God for being your hope and salvation.

Week Three: I Timothy 4:11-16

  1. What are some examples of “beautiful lies” – messages that sound appealing, but in the end, lead to destruction?
  2. What are some of the most formative lies you’ve believed in your life, whether “beautiful” or not? Have you broken free from some of these lies? If so, how?
  3. Read I Timothy 4:11-16. According to these verses, and based on our discussion about lies, why does sound teaching matter?
  4. The question isn’t whether or not we will be taught; we are constantly being taught. The question is, what is the content of the teaching? Who or what is teaching you? Who or what do you allow to have a voice in your life?
  5. Based on this entire series, are there any new practices you want to establish in your life? Are their old practices you want to eliminate or reform? What are your next steps?

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