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Oviedo FAQs

We announced this week that Grace’s Oviedo campus will become an independent church.

Just as in our own personal lives, new seasons in ministry sometimes call for new strategies, new focus, and new methods. Sometimes even hard change is truly good news, and we all believe God is at work here for His Church as it continues to spread the gospel in Central Florida.

Read on for answers to some frequently asked questions about this change.

Why is Grace Oviedo becoming an independent church?

Pastor Clint Harrison and his wife, Jeanne, started a conversation with us late last year around this decision. They had been praying about the potential of leading a separate church based on personal calling, ministry goals, and the needs of the Oviedo community. We prayed with them about the future of Grace. In January, the Harrisons knew that they’d like to lead the campus as an independent church, and Grace leadership agreed to their request.

Did anything sinful or bad happen here?

100% no. We love the Harrisons and Grace Oviedo, and the Harrisons love Grace. There is no sin, misconduct, argument, or theological disagreement involved in this process whatsoever. At one time, we could do more for the gospel together. Now, we believe God is telling us that we can do more as separate churches.

When will this happen?

The churches will officially separate on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, but we will continue to assist Oviedo with the transfer and setup of their systems, data, etc over the following few months.

What does this mean for Grace Oviedo?

Grace Oviedo will become Church of The Commons. They will form their own 501c3 and become entirely their own organization. For their Sunday experience, they will still meet at Indian Trails Middle School and still offer kids and student programming, as well as in-service elements like worship, confession, communion, and preaching. If you’re part of the Oviedo campus, you can learn more about the vision, mission, and core values of The Commons both in services and coming soon on their website:

What does this mean for Grace Orlando?

We’ll stay focused on our mission of helping people take their next steps toward Christ — laying the groundwork for expanding our fast-growing Orlando location, building on five years of amazing ministry through Grace Counseling, remodeling the Center for Teaching and Healing, and expanding the scope and reach of Grace Online. Good is ahead.

Will we still partner with this new church?

Yes, in both official and unofficial ways. Grace Counseling will continue to operate an office out of the Oviedo offices to support their church and community. Jeanne will be sticking around our Creative Team staff for a time and continue to host the After Hours podcast. And we have long-term friendships with the Oviedo team — we’ll continue to love them and serve them as we can as they grow in this new adventure.

What does this change for the Oviedo staff?

The Grace Oviedo staff will all become employees of the new church.

What does this change for the Orlando staff?

A few Grace Orlando based staff members have been serving in roles that focused on both campuses; they will now focus their work at Orlando and on Grace Online. Orlando is experiencing unprecedented growth, so there’s plenty to do! We are not eliminating staff as a result of this decision.

What does this mean for each church’s budget?

The Oviedo campus is self-supporting; the Orlando Campus is self-supporting. Each campus is fully capable of supporting its own ministries.

What does this mean for The Good Initiative?

The Good Initiative funds our current ministry and future projects for all campuses. While we have always combined TGI donations to fund one budget, campus donors, donations, projects, and spending have been tracked separately.

As Church of The Commons, Grace Oviedo will now manage its donors and income from their TGI Commitment progress along with its own future projects, including its facility.

Grace Orlando will focus on our own initiatives, including completing The Center for Teaching and Healing, growing Grace Counseling, increasing the impact of our online ministry, and laying the groundwork for expanding our current facilities.

Is this the end of our campus ministry model — are we going to plant additional campuses in the future?

As certainly as we knew that God wanted us to plant campuses more than a decade ago, we believe now that He is closing that chapter of our story and beginning to write a new one. We are excited about the opportunities and possibilities of this new season, and praying and focusing on the mission and projects before us at Grace Church in Orlando and online.

Will He call us to grow and expand through campuses again? We don’t know. What we do know is that we will be obedient to what He asks us to do. When we trust in Him, He will make our paths straight.

Visit to introduce yourself, learn more about the ministry of Grace, and take your next step toward Christ.

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