Serve in Family Ministry
This week in our sermon series Becoming, we learned about Next Gen Leadership. Take a next step and invest in the next generation of Gracekids and Gracestudents by serving in Family Ministry.
Ash Wednesday & Lent
Commemorate the start of Lent on March 5th with Ash Wednesday at Grace: a simple, 30-minute service that includes a special time of prayer and worship.
Take a Next Step
Get involved at Grace.
New to Grace? Introduce yourself.
Use our connect card to let us know who you are and what you’d like to do.
Then head to a Next Steps Night.
Our Next Steps Nights are designed to help us get to know each other — and help you find your place at Grace.
Join a group in a local home.
Groups meet in homes across the Greater Orlando area to learn, serve, and grow together.
Explore options for kids & students.
We have a variety of spaces and places for your family to grow.
Give to the ministry.
Give hope at Grace by donating one time or establishing a recurring gift.
Take a next step in baptism.
Baptism is the first step of faith for anyone who has chosen to follow Jesus. At Grace, we host a party for baptism!
The fastest way to connect? Serve with Team Grace.
Team Grace is our amazing team of volunteers who make the church happen. From leading children and students to welcoming people to creative roles, we couldn’t do what we do without them!