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Daily Lent Prompts


Attend an Ash Wednesday service at Grace as you prepare your heart for the Lenten season.



There is no greater display of God’s kindness than the love He demonstrated on the cross. Do you understand the gospel, the “good news” of our salvation? Could you explain it to someone else? If not, check out this article on Fighting Anxiety with the Gospel by Grace Counseling Coordinator, Julie Hotalen. It opens with a clear explanation of the gospel.


Make attending church a priority this Lenten season. Download the Church Center App to get more connected.


As you begin a new week, take a moment to pause and recite a breath prayer based on Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.” As you inhale, fill your lower lungs (your diaphragm) with air, so that your belly rises while your chest remains still. Exhale slowly and repeat:


Inhale: God is God. 

Exhale: I am not. 

Inhale: He is a good God. 

Exhale: Be still my soul.


Practice the art of awareness today. Ask God for eyes to see things you normally don’t notice – people who may be hurting, coworkers who need encouragement, or small evidence of His beauty in creation. Thank Him for His kindness. 


One of Grace’s House Rules is Grace-Centered Truth: We challenge people to be their best and love them at their worst. Get quiet and ask God to speak grace-centered truth into your life. Where is He challenging you to change? What sin do you need to relinquish? Thank Him for loving you at your worst, and ask Him to help you take your next step toward Christ.


Go to and choose one article to read. Resist the urge to skim or become distracted. Read slowly and contemplatively, listening for whatever God wants to say to you.


Practice 30 minutes of silence and solitude today. As items on your to-do list come to mind, jot them on a piece of paper and set them aside. As fears and anxieties surface, take them to God in prayer. If no thoughts come to mind, simply rest in God’s presence.


Go tech-free for one day this weekend. Replace screen-time with quiet reflection, rest, and extended time with God.



Begin a new week by taking a moment to pause and recite a breath prayer based on Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Inhale: Lord, turn my thoughts

Exhale: to what is ______ (pick above)


Close your eyes and hold your hands out in front of you, palms up. Imagine you’re holding your greatest treasure – whether a relationship, dream for the future, or something else. Remember the kindness of God. Think about how He sacrificed everything to rescue you. Surrender to God whatever you’re “holding” in your hands. 



One of Grace’s House Rules is Modern Liturgy: We build history into modern services because we are called to carry an ancient faith into the future. Read through this collection of Grace Confessions and Corporate Prayers, written by Ministry Development Pastor Mike Price. Choose one confession that resonates, and pray it out loud.


Reflect on the situations in your life causing discontentment, whether daily frustrations or ongoing, unchanging circumstances. Meditate on Psalm 139, particularly verse 16. Confess the sin of discontentment. Thank God for His kindness that leads to repentance (Romans 2:4).



Take a moment today to surrender your family back to God. Thank Him that every person you love is sovereignly held in His hands.


One of Grace’s House Rules is Extraordinary Servanthood: We serve sacrificially giving up things we love for people we love. Thank a volunteer for their commitment to serve you at church today. Then, live out our 2024 ministry theme The Kindness of God by serving others too at Grace Orlando or Grace Oviedo



Begin a new week by taking a moment to pause and recite a breath prayer based on Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 


Inhale: God of hope I trust you

Exhale: Fill me with joy and peace.


Take your lunch outside today and thank God for the beauty of His creation. Want to get the whole family in on it? Plan an outdoor picnic.



Fast from all forms of commerce today. Don’t check on financial accounts, buy, sell, or shop online. Instead, surrender your financial fears, concerns, and dreams to God. 


One of Grace’s House Rules is Biblical Maturity: We expect to grow through teaching the Bible. Do you have a regular habit of Bible study? If not, begin exploring options, such as downloading the Bible app and choosing from hundreds of Bible reading plans, or joining a Grace class or group.



Take a moment today to pray for the people who are being helped and healed through Grace Counseling. Do this by yourself or together with your family at dinner time.

MARCH 9/10

Step outside your comfort zone. This weekend at Grace, look for one person you don’t know and introduce yourself. Every time you make a new connection, you strengthen the Genuine Family of God. 



Begin a new week by taking a moment to pause and recite a breath prayer based on Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 


Inhale: Make me strong and courageous.

Exhale: I give you all my fear.

Inhale: You are with me

Exhale: wherever I go.


Choose one object that reminds you of God’s kindness. Put it in a prominent place in your home. Every time you see it this week, pause and remember God’s kindness.



One of Grace’s House Rules is Big-Hearted Generosity: We prioritize giving to God’s work over protecting ourselves. Take inventory of your resources – time, talents, money, assets. Is there something you’re withholding from God? Surrender it to Him by faith.


Delete the two most-used entertainment apps on your phone for one week. When you find yourself longing for them, get curious about the emotions driving you to distraction. Ask God to meet you emotionally. 



Take a tour of your home with fresh eyes, committed to recognizing God’s kindness. As you encounter messes, thank God for the people who made them. Thank Him for the personalities reflected in each room, for the many material blessings He’s given you, for the beautiful items that create moments of joy and connection. 

MARCH 16/17

Share something you learned in this weekend’s message at Grace via email, text, or social media to point others to the hope and joy of Jesus.



Begin a new week by taking a moment to pause and recite a breath prayer based on Psalm 130:5, “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word I hope.” 


Inhale: I wait for you, Lord;

Exhale: My hope is in your Word.


Read James 1:2-4. Thank God for the trials in your life. Ask Him for a redeemed perspective to see suffering as a gift, capable of making you more like Jesus. 



Reach out to one person who has impacted you. Mail a card, send an email, or shoot them a text thanking them for investing in your life. Thank God for the gift of meaningful relationships. 


Every time you are tempted to complain today, change it to an expression of gratitude.



Journal about what God is teaching you so far through this season of Lent. 

MARCH 23/24

Join us for Palm Sunday weekend and celebrate the beginning of Holy Week. Invite a friend to Easter services at Grace next weekend.



Begin a new week by taking a moment to pause and recite a breath prayer based on Psalm 74:16, “Both day and night belong to You; You made the starlight and the sun.”


Inhale: Both day and night

Exhale: Belong to You.


One of Grace’s House Rules is Radical Hospitality: We go the extra mile to care for others because people’s stories matter. Invite friends to a park or coffee shop and practice hospitality – share a meal, share your heart, listen well.



Listen and worship along to the song, Heart of God on our Grace YouTube channel. Pray through the various themes, asking God to use you to impact the next generation with the truth of who He is. 


Author Jerry Bridges defines ungodliness as “living one’s everyday life with little or no thought of God.” Reflect on the big and small ways in which you live without any regard for God – His will, glory, or your own need of Him. Confess the sin of ungodliness. Thank God for His kindness that leads to repentance (Romans 2:4).



Meditate on the sacrifice of Christ at our Good Friday Experience. Then, invite someone who’s far from God to celebrate Easter at Grace.

MARCH 30/31

HE IS RISEN! Join us for our Easter celebration this weekend! Find service times and reserve your free tickets for Easter.

Looking for a family activity to help your kids understand Jesus’ resurrection and the joy of Easter? Make Family Ministry’s Resurrection Rolls here.

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