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These are original Grace confessions and prayers from our services, written by Pastor Mike Price.


Almighty God,

Though we are weak, You are strong.
Though we are uncertain, You are unchanging.
In our times of chaos and confusion,
You calm the storms of our lives.

Oh God, we trust in You alone.
May we lift our heads to see You in control.
Let our souls be refreshed by Your Spirit.
Remind us daily that “good” is not our past;
It is our future.

Oh God, we hope in You alone.
Enable us, by your Holy Spirit,
To be Your light that shines in the darkness.
As in ages past, empower the Church
To be the love of Christ to the world.
Set our hearts aflame for Your mission.

Oh God, we live for You alone.
You call us to be “makers of peace” in the world.
May we be the people who bring peace, in the midst of unrest.
Show us how to speak words of life and comfort to those around us.
Oh God, we long for your Shalom (peace).

Gracious Father,

You are compassionate and rich in love.
We find peace and rest
at the mention of Your name.
Your kingdom is eternal.
Your power is immeasurable.

We confess our inconstant trust in You.
Forgive our ignorance of Your abundant provision.
Show us the way back
to dependence on You alone.

May we bring Your peace
In a world that is ever changing.
In the midst of chaos,

Empower Your people to be a light of hope.
May we share the love and salvation of Jesus.
We hold fast to Your grace to sustain us.
Loving God,

Your voice is a comfort
to our restless hearts.
Your hand guides us
to trust Your promises.
Your power emboldens us
to live out our extravagant love.
Your grace sustains us
in our darkest times.

We confess our anxiety to You.
Blinded by our insecurity,
we forget Your sovereignty.
Discouraged by our circumstances,
we lose sight of our eternity.

May we rejoice in the God of our salvation!
Remind us that in every situation,
we are not alone.
Our God is near to us.
We turn to You, our gracious Father,
as our source of help and strength.
God of All Creation,

You are the hope of the world.
You are peace to our souls.
Your hands hold the entire universe together. 
Your voice is a comfort to our weary hearts.

Forgive our lack of trust in You.
We confess that fear can hide
Your face from us.
Draw us close to you and
empower us to live boldly.

May Your Church display the
sacrificial love of Christ.
In all of our interactions, give
us empathy and compassion.
Let the hope of Christ shine through
us into the darkness.

Remind us of the reward that awaits us.
Keep the promise of salvation on the forefront of our minds.
Lift our eyes from the temporary to the eternal.
We hold fast to Your grace to sustain us through this season.

Palm Sunday Prayer
Triumphant God, 

On this Palm Sunday,
we lift our voices with those who welcomed you into the Holy City.
With gratitude, we celebrate your presence in our lives. 
We praise you for the promise fulfilled
in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

We confess our lack of zeal in following You.
Forgive our indifference to Your passion.
Let us remember Your suffering for the sake of the world.

Enable us to lay at your feet
all that we have and all that we are,
trusting in You alone
to forgive what is sinful,
to heal what is broken,
to purify our hearts,
and to redeem our souls.

Oh God, we long for Your return.
Hosanna in the highest.  Amen.

Easter Sunday Prayer
Victorious God,

Death is crushed under the weight of Your boundless mercy.
Your abundant grace has overshadowed the reign of fear and despair.
Fill us with joy and wonder as we celebrate Your triumph over the curse of sin.

We confess how easily we lose sight of Your victory.
Even in the aftermath of Your empty tomb, we let fear and despair dominate our thinking.
Remind us daily of Your glorious Resurrection.

Lift our eyes to the conquering Lion of Judah,
whose mighty roar shatters the chains that enslave us. 
May we be a people who are marked with an
unshakable trust in our King of Kings.
In the name of the Risen Christ, we boldly pray. 

One Comment

  • Avatar Lori Ager says:

    So thankful for my #onegracefamily. Truly #blessed to be in a church family that has is so responsive to the needs of its members. Thank you, Mike Price, for faithfully leading us in worship, prayer and confession. I’m grateful to be able to refer to these through the week until we come together — in person or online — again.

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