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How do I know the Lord is kind …

when the world is LOUD,

circumstances are HARD,

and hope seems FAR OFF?

Sometimes, it’s just hard to remember He is.

Ever been there? Me too.

2023 was not my favorite year of the 30+ some I’ve lived. There was a lot of loss and a sadness that was hard to shake. Conversations with God were constant:

 “Lord, I believe [You are kind & have kindness for my life]. Help my unbelief.”

And help He did. 

He began in small ways, showing me the grace and mercy that was filling my days:

  • Weekly runs with a friend who could relate
  • Prayers with a pastor to affirm it was okay to be sad and honest with God about my frustration over how slow it felt like He was working in my life
  • A counselor who helped connect feelings with thoughts to rewrite narratives of shame and guilt into new stories of self-acceptance and self confidence 
  • And a husband who was there through it all

Then, God met me in the quiet, in my study of the Old Testament to remind me He’s always been kind. Proof? The Bible starts in Genesis 1 (the goodness of creation), not Genesis 3 (sin and condemnation). It’s something I don’t think about enough. If you start or only remember Genesis 3, then you may think God is just angry at creation. It’s not true. Back up to Genesis 1 and see that God does not wish to inflict chaos; He instead organizes the chaos into beautiful things (light, sky, land, water, plants, animals, mankind) and calls them good. God stops creating on day six and says it’s enough, and it’s time to rest in it and enjoy it. 

God loves all of creation (including me), and this should affect my posture in life in the good times and in the sad times. If I believe God really loves me and rejoices in me, there is no need for a scarcity mindset (I’m not enough. I must do more). Instead, I can have an abundance mindset (I have more than enough. God’s never holding out on me, and I can trust His story for my life.

It’s the coolest when you move to the New Testament to learn that Jesus reinforces this and seals the deal. In the greatest act of kindness, God becomes man to live a perfect life, die on the cross, take care of the consequences of Genesis 3, and give new life, freedom, and joy. He says, “I’m enough, so you don’t have to be.”

So, how do I know the Lord is kind …

when the world is LOUD,

circumstances are HARD,

and hope seems FAR OFF?

Because it doesn’t have to do with any of those things. Just God’s consistent and loving character. Just His promises and the good story He has for us in the good times and in the sad. 

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