In the 1950s, prominent psychologist Karen Horney established three patterns of adjustment when faced with conflict: moving toward, moving against, or moving away from others. The Compliant Approach Do you…
Nobody wonders how God brings good out of bad during good times. This is a question reserved for dark days – for seasons of grief, failure, and disappointment. And yet,…
“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2:7)….
I want you to get the picture of Christmas morning in your head. The morning light hasn’t yet peeked above the horizon. Presents are waiting to be ripped open. Anticipation…
It only takes one glance through the magazines in the grocery checkout line to confirm our culture’s obsession with transformation: Eat, Look, and Live Better; Spend Smarter and Live Happier;…