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Oh Lord, our God,

You fill us with awe and wonder.
We have an inheritance that will not fade away.
You sustain everything by Your sovereign hands.
We are sons and daughters of the eternal King.

Hear our confession, as we worship You.
In our times of trouble, we retreat into isolation
rather than embracing community.
We sow division rather than build unity.
May we seek peace with those around us.
Help us to recognize Your image in our neighbor, as well as our enemy.

Our shame is erased by the finished work of Your Son, Jesus.
The mere whisper of Your name drives out all fear.
Remind us of who we are in You.


Dador de vida,Todo lo bueno viene de Tu mano.
Eres digno de todo honor y toda alabanza.
A medida que nos acercamos a Tu trono,
estamos abrumados por la gratitud.

Confesamos nuestra falta de mayordomía –
de nuestro tiempo, nuestros recursos y nuestro legado.
Perdónanos por utilizar nuestros talentos para ganancias egoístas.
Infunde el deseo de sacrificarnos por la obra duradera de Tu Iglesia.

Transforma nuestras almas, cuerpos y espíritus para la gloria de Tu nombre.
Llámanos a ser más como Jesús.
Esperamos deleitarnos en la belleza de convertirnos en quien Tú nos diseñaste para ser.


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