Note: The views in this post are the opinions of Pastor Grant, and not necessarily those of Grace Church. Read wisely. And also not while drinking anything you might spit out…
We checked in with Pastor Mike Adkins for his answers to some of your most frequent questions. Do you believe this pandemic is a sign that we are living in…
Praise God for the opportunity to gather together yesterday (by the thousands!) in corporate, online worship. As we continue navigating this unexpected season, we want to offer you some additional…
Easter is always a time of celebration as we watch hundreds of people across Central Florida take life-changing next steps toward Christ. At Grace, we create small business cards at…
Week 1: The Poor in Spirit (Matthew 5:2-3 / February 2) When you see a social media post with #blessed, what’s your immediate gut reaction? (joy, envy, gratitude, annoyance?) If…