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Easter is always a time of celebration as we watch hundreds of people across Central Florida take life-changing next steps toward Christ. At Grace, we create small business cards at each of our campuses that include Easter service times and locations. Grab some at your campus this week, and check out these ideas for how to get these cards into the hands of those around you:

Think Casual

Think about the casual acquaintances you see on a regular basis—the receptionist at your gym, your pediatrician, hairdresser, local librarian, favorite barista…chances are, you regularly come in contact with more people than you realize. In the coming weeks, be intentional about striking up a conversation. Carry your Easter invite cards at all times so you’re ready to share one when the moment’s right.

Go Digital

Take a picture of the card and text it to someone you’d like to see at church on Easter Sunday. They won’t lose the information if it’s in their phone!

Enlist Your Kids

Give your kids a few cards to share with their friends at school. If they’re younger, they may enjoy making their own Easter invitations for their friends. Be sure to include a card with service times if the invite is handmade.

Take to Social Media

Share a little bit of your testimony on social media. You can be as long or short-winded as you prefer, but aim to be authentic. Include a picture of the Easter invite card with your campus’s service times and encourage anyone who’s interested to come sit by you.

Be Strategic

Plan a park day with friends or family and ask God to open your eyes to a stranger you could invite to Easter. Be sure to have invites on hand, and don’t feel bad if the opportunity never presents itself. God honors our willingness.

Make It Sweet

Bake something sweet, tie on an Easter invite card, and pass treats to your neighbors. Include a simple line like, “If you don’t have Easter plans, we’d love for you to join us at Grace!”

Throwback to Simpler Times

Write a letter the old-fashioned way and mail it to someone you love. Be earnest about how much they matter to you and why you’d love for them to visit an Easter service with you. Include a card with service times and say a prayer as you seal the envelope.

Go the Extra Mile

Sometimes people will give church a try if there’s another incentive for showing up, such as an Easter lunch at your place (or a restaurant!) after service. Before passing out the card with service times, jot down the details for the after party.

Leverage the Fringe Benefits

As you share Easter cards, don’t forget to mention all the perks—an egg hunt for the kids, hot coffee and doughnuts, a beautiful photo op for family pictures. Sometimes people will show up for the fringe benefits and end up encountering Jesus.

Work as a Team

Think about how your Grace Community (gC) could work together to invite others to Easter. Could you pray for one another? Hold one another accountable? Hand out Easter invite cards alongside a service project?

As Pastor Mike likes to say, “We’re going to do what only we can do and trust God to do what only He can do.” Whether you take some of these suggestions, or come up with your own ideas, be encouraged that the results are in God’s hands. Let’s be bold, imaginative, and on mission this Easter because nothing is more rewarding than being part of God’s story.

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