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Sermon highlights from Relationship Reset Week 7. Sermon by Pastor Mike Adkins; notes compiled by Dan O’Toole.

Week 7 Main Scripture:

  • Colossians 3:15-17
  • Romans 12:2
  • Matthew 5:16

Community and Mindset Matter

Romans 12:2 reminds us not to conform to the patterns of the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we choose to conform to the patterns of the world, we can’t expect to be able to discern the will of God. 

As Christians, we are not meant to conform to an angry, fearful, upside-down world.

In relationships, we meet each other at the point of our dysfunction. You can’t grow by being surrounded by people who are exactly like you. They reinforce your weaknesses. If your mind isn’t being renewed, you’ll spend time with people who stay stuck commiserating. 

Renewing your mind means no longer walking according to your old ways.

As Christians, we don’t leave people behind because we’re better than them. We invite them to come with us because we’re growing in Jesus.

Setting Your Minds and Hearts on Things Above, Not on Earthly Things

God has given you the ability to focus your attention on what is most important according to him, which is Jesus Christ. 

When you gave your life to Christ, you died to your old self and its ways. You now live for him and his kingdom.

Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Hearts

As a follower of Christ, you have the gift of his peace in you as evidence of the Holy Spirit. But you have to let him rule by cooperating with him and letting him be in charge of your heart.

What Rules Your Mind? What Dominates Your Thoughts? 

  1. Self-Doubt
  2. Fear of Failure
  3. Regret
  4. Negative Body Image
  5. Comparison to Others
  6. Perfectionism 
  7. Social Anxiety
  8. Financial Worries
  9. Relationship Concerns

Members of One Body Called to Peace

The renewing and healing of our minds and hearts is not just about us. It’s about everyone else as well. You have a responsibility to be emotionally healthy for the people around you that depend upon you. When you show up emotionally healthy in your relationship, it spills onto the lives around you.

The voices around you will eventually become the voices inside you. Are the people surrounding you the kind that remind you that Jesus loves you and is in control when things go wrong?

Your healing is also meant to be for the people around you, not just your happiness.

The importance of peace within the body of Christ, the church, is this: Sometimes, people coming to the church will give the church one time in their lives. They’re walking in with all the stuff they’ve heard from the world—that Christians are judgmental and terrible people—but we have to show that we’re not.

Let Your Light Shine

The Bible often contrasts light and darkness. Darkness is used as a description of separation from God for eternity. It’s also regret, lack of vision, and aloneness. Light is illumination, beauty, and goodness. 

There are two ways that people shine:

  1. Here I Am!
  2. There You Are!

As Christ followers, we ought to be the “There you are” kind of people who leave others shining because we encourage, support, and strengthen them. As they watch your life and see the encouragement, hope, strength, and goodness, it glorifies your father in heaven. 

The “Here I am” type of person glorifies themselves. But those who shine their light on Jesus and others cause them to want to know more about what makes Jesus great.

Let the Gospel of Christ Dwell in You Richly

Living a life saturated in the message of the Gospel means it doesn’t change based on the people you’re hanging out with. The gospel is always on you, over you, and in you. You’re teaching people by the way you live your life as they watch you. 

The message of the Gospel also allows us to correct one another with godly wisdom. When you correct someone with the Gospel, there’s supposed to be a seriousness to it, but there’s also a winsomeness to it.

Ministry is not restricted to the stage or a list of things to do. But it is whatever you do, whether in word or deed, all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Catch up or rewatch the full messages from our Relationship Reset series here.

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