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Week 1: Hope Matters

Ruth 1:1-13

  1. As we begin a new series on the book of Ruth, our primary theme is “Finding Hope.” Why is hope so important? 
  2. Why is it so hard to see goodness in the middle of pain?
  3. How has someone been a “Ruth” to you in a difficult time? Share a story.
  4. Have you ever had the opportunity to speak into the life of a “Naomi”? 
  5. What are some principles for how we can see goodness beyond our current darkness? What thoughts or practices have been helpful for you in difficult seasons?


Week 2: Identity Matters

Ruth 1:11-22

  1. Read Ruth 1:11-22 or have a group member summarize this week’s text from memory. What stuck out to you the most, either in the text or in the sermon this week?
  2. Does suffering mean that God is against us? Why or why not?
  3. Naomi interprets her suffering and circumstances as a redefinition of her identity. The name Naomi means “pleasant” or “beauty,” but she renames herself Mara, meaning “bitter.” Where are you allowing a circumstance to define you and change your name?
  4. What are the blessings that God has put around you, that you are missing because you’re so focused on your suffering?
  5. How does it make you feel knowing that God is using the normal, everyday circumstances of your life to mold you into who you will be?


Week 3: Reputation Matters

Ruth 2:1-23

  1. Read Ruth 2:1-23 or have a group member summarize this week’s text from memory. What stuck out to you the most, either in the text or in the sermon this week?
  2. Which Grace House Rules come to mind based on this passage? 
  3. Who in your life comes to mind when you think of someone who leads and serves with integrity like Boaz?
  4. Ruth had a good reputation that preceded her. What would you hope others would think when they think of you?
  5. Boaz is the first person in the story so far who has power, and he uses it to serve others rather than himself. What power has God entrusted to you that you could use to serve others? 


Week 4: Risking the Right Way Matters

Ruth 3:1-18

  1. Read Ruth 3:1-18 or have a group member summarize this week’s text from memory. What stuck out to you the most, either in the text or in the sermon this week?
  2. Ruth was called to take a worthy risk. What constitutes a worthy risk? What are signs that a risk is unworthy? (Consider skimming this article by Pastor Josh Dean in the Grace magazine and discussing.)
  3. How do you know if God is calling you to take a risk?
  4. Is there a particular area in your life where you think God is calling you to take a risk right now? 
  5. Ruth couldn’t have moved forward with Boaz if she was still living in the past. Are there things in your past that you need to let go of in order to take your next step toward Christ?


Week Five: Rescue Matters

Ruth 4:1-12

  1. Read Ruth 4:1-12 or have a group member summarize this week’s text from memory. What stuck out to you the most, either in the text or in the sermon this week?
  2. Share your redemption story. How were you grafted into the family of God?
  3. When Boaz redeems Ruth, the elders and the people at the gate speak a blessing over Ruth. Do you speak blessing over those around you? Share some examples, or discuss how you’d like to grow in this area.
  4. How have you seen kindness transform a heart that is hostile toward God? 
  5. Read Everyone Needs a Boaz in the Grace Magazine and discuss what resonates the most with you. 


Week Six: Restoration Matters

Ruth 4:13-17

  1. Read Ruth 4:13-17 or have a group member summarize this week’s text from memory. What stuck out to you the most, either in the text or in the sermon this week?
  2. Is it possible that circumstances alone say very little about how God feels about us? Discuss whether or not you agree with that statement and why. 
  3. Can you look back and see how God orchestrated so many events in your life to lead you to a blessing you are enjoying today? 
  4. God restores generously. Share a way that God has blessed you with more than you had hoped for. 
  5. Is there an area in your life where you are still waiting for restoration? How can God’s past provision fuel your faith as you look forward?


Week Seven: The Future Matters

Ruth 4:18-22

  1. Has anyone ever taken an ancestry test? What did you learn about yourself? 
  2. Why do you think the Bible includes genealogies? What can we learn from them?
  3. God watches over the past, present, and the future. What makes it difficult to remember that at times? 
  4. Share one story about an ancestor from your past that demonstrates a quality you’d like to emulate.
  5. What are some of the qualities you want to be remembered for? What are you doing today to build your life around these qualities?


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