Months ago, when we began discussing a sermon series on Jonah, the thought of a man living inside a fish sounded like crazy talk. My five-year-old would call it “ridicklyous.”…
I’ve never found it particularly difficult to be gracious — with myself, that is. When I’m speeding through my neighborhood, it’s because I’m late for something important, or it’s been…
One of the many benefits of living in Central Florida is that we are just a quarter tank of gas, a packed cooler, and a few bathing suits away from…
The word “tolerance” can make the strongest Christians among us break into a cold sweat. It would seem tolerance has become a modern-day minefield with missteps in every direction. Condemn…
Jonah is my favorite. On the ship, he’s a drama queen. In the fish, a moody poet. He’s a bold proclaimer on the streets of Nineveh, but in the end,…