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Anxiety Cure

Biblical Weapons to Fight Worry in Psalm 37. Catch up or rewatch sermons here.

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Psalm 37

The only mention of authorship is before verse 1. It says “Of David”. In the original Hebrew, it’s unclear if the Psalm is written by David, for David, to David or explaining a situation David was in. The best assumption is that David, the great poet and king, is this psalm’s author.
The specific date or circumstances are unknown to us. We do see a continual theme of the schemes of the wicked and God’s divine retribution. Thus, we can infer that the psalm was written during a time when David was dealing with certain enemies attacking him or calling his kingship into question. There are several points in Davids’s story where his circumstances would match the events described in the psalm – whether it was King Saul hunting David in the wilderness, or David’s son attempting to coup his father – we can not be sure.
The book of Psalms is a part of what is commonly known as the wisdom/poetic books of the Old Testament. It comes after the book of Job and before the book of Proverbs.
In Psalm 37, David is reflecting on how the wicked seemingly prosper. Sometimes it appears that those who cheat, lie, and steal have an easier and more rewarding life. However, David reminds us of the more true picture –  that God is able to judge and hold accountable beyond our human measures. He will have justice and vindication for His people in His timing. We can believe that God will take care of the wicked – our job is to make sure the wicked is not us.
The Book of Psalms is designed to be interacted with devotionally. Some books of the Bible are historical records relaying ancient stories that show God’s character and nature (Exodus, Joshua, Kings, etc.). Some books share the words or experiences of a prophet, communicating God’s heart to His people (Isaiah, Haggai, Amos, etc). Others are imparting wisdom to the reader, on how to navigate life’s circumstances or explore life’s biggest questions. (Job, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs).
Psalms is a collection of prayers, songs, and laments directly from the hearts of real people. The book of Psalms invites the reader not to just study the words, but to repeat them in our own hearts and minds. Psalms is an invitation into the faith and worship of past saints in order to help us put language to our own emotions and experiences.
Fun fact: Psalm 37 is written as an acrostic poem. The first letter of each poetic stanza follows the Hebrew alphabet. This was a mnemonic way of ordering the psalm and making it easier to remember.
  • Longman, T., & Garland, D. E. (Eds.). (2008). Psalms. Zondervan.
  • Walton, J. H., & Hill, A. E. (2009). Psalms. In A Survey of the Old Testament (pp. 419-438). Zondervan Publishing House.

Books Recommended by Pastor Mike


  1. Winning the War In Your Mind by Craig Groeschel
  2. Get Out Of Your Head by Jennie Allen (book & study guide) 
  3. Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer (book & study guide) 
  4. The Neuroscience of Anxiety by Andrew Humington
  5. Be Anxious for Nothing by Joyce Meyer
  6. How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg & Mark Robert Waldman
  7. Finding Quiet by J.P. Moreland
  8. Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud
  9. Overcoming Fear, Worry, And Anxiety by Elyse Fitzpatrick (for women)
  10. The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
  11. The Instant Mood Fix by Dr. Olivia Remes



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