Week 1
- Read James 1:1-12.
- How does James’ call to find joy in trials challenge your view of hardship?
- What does asking God for wisdom look like during difficult times?
- How can sharing your struggles in community build your perseverance?
Week 2
- Read James 1:19-27.
- How does the mirror analogy in James help you understand the need for active obedience?
- In what ways can listening to the Word and doing what it says change your daily life?
- How does caring for the vulnerable demonstrate genuine relationship with Jesus?
Week 3
- Read James 2:14-26.
- How do your actions confirm the faith you profess?
- What do the examples of Abraham and Rahab teach you about living out your faith?
- How can you turn your belief into practical deeds in your community?
Week 4
- Read James 3:1-12.
- How does your speech reflect the condition of your heart?
- What steps can you take to tame your tongue and use it for encouragement?
- In what ways can your words build up rather than tear down those around you?
Week 5
- Read James 4:1-10.
- How do your personal desires contribute to conflicts in your life?
- In what ways can submitting to God bring true peace to your relationships?
- How does humility help you overcome internal struggles and quarrels?
Week 6
- Read James 5:1-6.
- What does it mean to use your wealth as a tool to bless others?
- How can you evaluate your stewardship of resources in light of eternal values?
- In what ways does generosity transform your relationship with money?
Week 7
- Read James 5:13-18.
- How does prayer impact your experience of both trouble and joy?
- What can the example of Elijah teach you about praying with faith?
- How does confessing and praying for one another foster healing in your community?