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Week 1: Where to Start for Better Relationships

  1. Read Colossians 2:2-8.
  2. How can we root and build our relationships in Christ to strengthen both our faith and connections with others
  3. What modern distractions or philosophies might pull us away from Christ, and how can we stay vigilant in our relationships?
  4. How can we encourage and unite each other in love, and why is understanding and wisdom in Christ important for this?


Week 2: How to Feel Whole

  1. Read Colossians 2:9-15.
  2. How does being “brought to fullness in Christ” change how we handle relationship challenges?
  3. What similarities exist between the spiritual act of circumcision in Colossians and our journey to authenticity?
  4. How does Christ’s sacrifice canceling our legal indebtedness impact our sense of worth


Week 3: How to Build Trust in Your Relationships

  1. Read Colossians 3:1-8.
  2. How can focusing on heavenly priorities influence the way we handle conflicts or challenges in our relationships? Give an example of a practical step you can take to align your daily actions with heavenly priorities.
  3. How does being “hidden with Christ” affect the way you view your old habits and behaviors? How has this change impacted your relationships?
  4. Paul lists specific behaviors that we need to “put to death.” Which of these behaviors do you see most prevalent in today’s culture, and how do they hinder trust in relationships? Discuss practical ways we can actively combat these behaviors in our own lives to build and maintain trust with others.


Week 4: Simple Steps to Change

  1. Read Colossians 3:9-11.
  2. How can we practically shed our “old self” and embrace the “new self” in our daily relationships, according to Colossians 3:9-11?
  3. In what ways does embracing our new self help build a great church community where Christ is all and in all?
  4. How can understanding the difference between shame and conviction impact our journey of renewing our knowledge and identity in Christ?


Week 5: How to Be a Better Friend

  1. Read Colossians 3:12-14.
  2. How can we practically “clothe ourselves” with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience in our friendships, according to Colossians 3:12-14?
  3. What does it mean to bear with and forgive one another, and how does this practice strengthen our relationships?
  4. How can understanding the balance between empathy and maintaining boundaries help us support others without becoming overwhelmed?


Week 6: What Rules Your Heart?

  1. Read Colossians 3:15.
  2. How can we allow the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts and influence our decisions and interactions, according to Colossians 3:15?
  3. What are some practical ways we can promote mutual respect and thankfulness in our relationships within the church?
  4. How can shifting our perspective to a bigger picture help us overcome fears and anxieties that rule our hearts?


Week 7: The One Thing to Add for Better Relationships.

  1. Read Colossians 3:16-17.
  2. How can we let the message of Christ dwell among us richly and influence our teaching and encouragement within the community, according to Colossians 3:16?
  3. In what ways can focusing on the “how” of our actions and words, rather than the “what,” improve our relationships?
  4. How can incorporating gratitude and songs of praise into our daily lives impact our interactions and overall attitude?


Week 8: How to Create a Peaceful Home

  1. Read Colossians 3:18-19.
  2. How can wives submit to their husbands in a way that is fitting in the Lord, and what boundaries should be considered in this submission?
  3. What does it mean for husbands to love their wives and not be harsh with them, and how can this foster a peaceful and loving home environment?
  4. How do mutual respect and understanding of roles contribute to creating harmony and connection in a marriage, according to Colossians 3:18-19?


Week 9: How to Love Your Kids

  1. Read Colossians 3:20-21.
  2. How can parents provide guidance and direction to their children in a way that aligns with the instruction in Colossians 3:20?
  3. What are some practical ways parents can avoid embittering their children and instead foster encouragement and confidence?
  4. How can understanding each child’s unique needs and personality help parents better fulfill the biblical guidance provided in Colossians 3:20-21?


Week 10: How to Be All-In

  1. Read Colossians 3:23-24.
  2. How can we apply the principle of working “with all your heart, as working for the Lord” in our everyday tasks and responsibilities, according to Colossians 3:23-24?
  3. In what ways does focusing on God’s reward, rather than human praise, transform our approach to work and relationships?
  4. How can the mindset of serving Christ in everything we do influence our sense of purpose and fulfillment in life?

Looking to learn more about relationships? Go deeper with our Relationship Reset series here.

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