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A Prayer for Relationships

Inhale: I am a child of God.
Exhale: Those around me have been created in the image of God.

Inhale: I reflect the goodness of a transcendent Creator.
Exhale: God saw all that he had made and it was very good!

Inhale: It is Your kindness that leads us to repentance.
Exhale: May my kindness lead others to You, Oh God.


A Prayer for Distractions

Most High God,

Our varying perspectives are all jaded.
We see through a mirror dimly.
Reveal to us the plans You are orchestrating.

So far above and yet residing within,
You are our living hope.
Distracted by the temporary,
we lose sight of the eternal.

Keep us steady.
Hold us strong.
Sustain us.



A Prayer for Beautiful Things

Beauty from ashes.
Diamond from coal.
Promises from pain.
Life from death.
Redemption from sin.

Our lives are a masterpiece,
when framed by the glory of our King.

Remind us of the wholeness
that You have hidden deep within our souls.

We are Your sacred workmanship.



A Prayer for Families

Heavenly Father,

You brought us into Your everlasting family.
We are sons and daughters of the King of Kings.

Each day You send us out
to bring Your hope to those around us.
Remind us daily to live as Your children.
Help us to love as a reflection of Your love.

As we gather together at the end of our day,
we thank You and praise You for our family.

We love you!


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