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Weddings at Grace

The pastors of Grace Church perform wedding ceremonies for couples who are committed to the local church.

Here are a few things to know:

  • Grace weddings are a sacrament between people who are followers of Christ.
  • Weddings are a ministry to the people of Grace Church. We ask that the bride and groom be a dedicated part of our church family for at least six months.
  • We offer pre-marital counseling at Grace, or you may choose another option; completion of a pre-marital counseling program is required.
  • Grace pastors are available for weddings as their schedule allows.
  • Cost: $200 pastoral fee (may be waived under certain circumstances) and the cover of any travel expenses for the pastor.
  • Please complete the forms at the links below, one for the bride and one for the groom.

Grace would be honored to be a part of your marriage.

Complete the forms at the links below, one for the bride and one for the groom.

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